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Are you worried that;

  1. Your toddler not saying enough words or word combinations?

  2. They are very unclear? 

  3. You cannot understand them well?

  4. Unfamiliar adults do not understand them?

  5. Your child is not relating well with other children in the play ground?

  6. They are they getting frustrated?

Learning to speak and communicate is part of a child’s development.

The first few years of life are an intensive time in a child’s language development. Although different children develop at different times there is a range that is considered as 'typically developing'. Early intervention is crucial when a child is not reaching those milestones.

A speech pathologist will assess the child, observe and gather information from the parents regarding their child's communication and determine the best intervention plan. Research has shown that early intervention is critically important for children with speech and language delays. Giving your child the best chance in closing the gap.

The first step is to take an assessment, followed by therapy and parent training. Working together with parents and educators is paramount for the interventions success.

Early Language: Services
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