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Are you worried that

  1. Your child has difficulty remembering their sight words

  2. They cannot remember the letters and the corresponding sounds

  3. They are falling behind even in kindergarten

  4. They are loosing attention in class because the work is too hard

  5. They are having difficulty with spelling

  6. They are having difficulty to understand what they read

  7. They are reluctant to attempt reading

  8. They cannot put the sounds together to form a word

Literacy is the ability to read and write.

There may be different reasons why your child is struggling. Some children with receptive and expressive language difficulties may also have difficulty with literacy however there are many children with no additional language difficulties that still struggle with acquiring early literacy. It is therefore essential to diagnose the struggling child early. Early literacy intervention is crucial for later academic success.

A thorough assessment is needed. Even children in late preschool will benefit from some phonological awareness training to help with early literacy development.

Literacy: Service
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